Regardless of your employment status, gender or age, on
weekdays before you get up, you probably read an email. This morning, you
probably did so.
By now, content marketers should know that an email marketing
strategy is vital for all brands. Hence, if you're in any way hesitant to do
so, here are some up-to-date facts and figures that can help motivate you and
your team focus on email campaigns and keep you on track.
Email Marketing Statistics and Facts
1. People actually check their mail box.
According to Internet Live stats, around 936,740 legit emails
are sent worldwide every second.
To be successful, you need to focus on an email marketing
design that is well-executed. If you're still working on it and you are looking
for free logos or a quick logo design together with other branding, take a look
at the design tools and templates offered by email marketing services, or use
online builders. In this way you save plenty of time that can be used for
It is well known that people read their emails, but that does
not imply that they read everything or have time to go through a lengthy
As for the written content itself, keep it conversational and
around 300 to 500 words so people actually read your message, rather than just
scrolling down to get to the gist.
If your emails are very long, they probably not be read.
2. Newsletters increase customer loyalty
Learning to master email marketing tools will increase
conversion rates and sales, and the numbers show that you should create a very
good newsletter, particularly if you are starting a new brand.
According to Dave Pell, newsletters are immortal, although
they have died and come back a few times in the last few decades. He mentioned
a few reasons, and the main one is that email is personal, you're penetrating
the restricted space of someone else –their own inbox.
It is very important that every email show that you took time
to write thoughtful content and explain briefly the benefits of purchasing your
products and, if possible, additional benefits for email subscribers.
3. Individuals depend on email for direct
One reason why email marketing strategies have succeeded so
far is that consumers still desire a connection with brands, and at best, will
voluntarily sign up for valuable content via email marketing.
According to market trends, consumer goods and retail, banking,
financial and insurance services, hospitality and travel are the top industries
that adopt email marketing.
4. The customer retention rates are the highest
Marketers have considered email to be the most effective
channel for many years for retention, awareness, acquisition, and conversion.
Today email has the greatest rate for retaining customers. 81% of small
businesses still make use of email as their main channel for getting customers according
to Emarsys. The customer retention rate for email marketing is at 80%.
75% of Gen Z and Millennials are expected to maintain brand
engagement based on past interactions over the next few years, according to Salesforce
Remember that not only can you keep your customers, you can
win them back if for any reason they abandon your marketing campaign.
Strive to enhance and enrich email content around holidays
and particularly Black Fridays. Black Friday offers are said to have the
highest recall rates, also known as customer reactivation; according to the
figures, compared to the rest of the year, requests for restoration increased
by 106% on that date.
5. Email has the
greatest reach
The number of emails sent and received per day worldwide from
2016 to 2022 is in billions.
Are you aware that email is the broadest marketing channel
there is? As of 2018, there are more than 3.8 billion email users worldwide and
the figure is expected to rise to around 4 billion users by 2023.
Well, if that isn't surprising enough to make plans to reach your customers through email, it is estimated that email marketing will continue to grow through 2022, with the market size reaching $690 million.
Also Read:
How to Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Business
Email Marketing: Why it's Relevant and How to Do it Right
6. Email marketing has the highest ROI rate
More than any other digital marketing channel, research has
shown that email marketing campaigns have higher return on investment (ROI).
According to the Data and Marketing Association, the ROI for
email marketing exceeds £42 per one pound, a figure that's up from the previous
figures in 2017.
Additionally, a 2018 census by Econsultancy shows that 74% of
businesses rate the email marketing channel and recognize that this strategy
generates good or excellent ROI for their business.
7. Email increases sales on the internet
The best day to send emails is the first day of the month,
according to Omnisend.
According to Omnisend, an ecommerce marketing automation
platform, delivering 3 automated mails could result in about 90% more orders online
when compared to single mails.
According to estimates, 81% of online shoppers in the US are
more likely to shop either in stores or online based on what they read in an
email. Consumers love email rewards, such as receiving a special offer, an
exclusive online prize, or a redeemable coupon.
8. E-mail enables immediate contact with the US
According to statistics, 28% of American adults admit to
being online all the time.
According to press release from Market Watch, the United
States has the largest market share in the global market for email marketing.
This is the key to successful strategy for email marketing.
In fact, forecast data for eMarketer's 2019 suggests that by
37.2% of the US digital advertising market will be owned by Google, 8% by
Amazon, and 22.1% by Facebook.
9. Email marketing is mobile and versatile
An email marketing campaign, when done right and optimized
for responsiveness, is engaging, draws attention and has positive responses
that eventually translate into sales.
Depending on the content you manage and the needs of your
brand, 53% of emails are opened on mobile devices. You can include featured
videos, images, or videos created with tools like slideshow maker in your email
Give close attention to responsiveness and that videos are
optimized to correctly display on mobile devices. Visitors will look elsewhere
if this is not done. According to a study by Scientia Mobile and Google, 53% of
consumers ignore content that doesn't appear quickly enough, and all your
efforts so far will be worthless.
However, graphic versatility needs to be paired with well-written
subject lines and copy. Email subject lines need to be short since a lot of
people read on their tablets or phones.
Also Read:
10. Email has the lowest CPA
Email has the lowest cost per action. It has the lowest
average CPA. On the other hand, direct mail has the highest CPA averaging
Email has the lowest average acquisition cost (CPA) of about
$10 in comparison with direct mail - $31, social media- $20, online display
ads- $25 U.S. dollar, and paid search:
This is important to your strategy because most brands want
to hit the biggest numbers with fewer resources as possible.
11. Email is the preferred platform for digital
Email marketing is moving towards interactive content
creation and personalization, so says eTargetMedia.
This implies that information does not go in one direction,
but arrives in a timely manner and consumers have the opportunity to take
surveys, book something, watch videos or follow brands on social networks.
Accenture research revealed that 91% of customers prefer brands who remember
who they are, identify their interests and offer recommendations which are
personalized to them.
On the other hand, you have to consider that 25% of
consumers are annoyed by overly personalized content, according an Adobe Brand
Content Survey. Hence, there has to be a balance and a very well thought-out
concrete goal.
Remember that the email inbox is the source that users have
100% control over, and once they mark your emails as spam or unsubscribe,
you're out.
"Email is dead" headlines come and go as users get
excited about modern social media platforms or new technology, however,
remember that email has survived many of them too. Think back to the first time
you created your personal email address. Years have gone by and you are still subscribing
to new services, checking your mail box, and will continue to do so for a long
As a marketer, the challenge now lies in adapting an email
marketing campaign to new users and current trends.
Very insightful article you've got here. Thanks for the enlightenment
November 13, 2022 at 3:41 PM
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I love your content. You've just made my day. I use email marketing to reach my clients. I've always said it that it is better than paid ads and social media
November 13, 2022 at 3:57 PM
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